1. CIMB Thai Home Care plan is the marketing name. The product policy name of this insurance is “Home insurance”.
2. CIMB Thai Home Care is an insurance product, not a saving product.
3. Premium delivery is the duty of the insured. The fact that the insurance broker collects insurance premiums is a service only. Please
reading more information from the Insured's Handbook.
4. Underwriting and benefits payment was specified in the insurance policy of Sompo Insurance (Thailand) PCL “(Company)”
5. Insured property’s age must not exceed 20 years
6. Coverage will only apply to building that is concrete structure.
7. This policy is renewable according to the policy terms and condition.
8. Payment methods for applying new and renewal insurance are as follows: cash, check, debit via bank account, credit card.
9. Premium will vary depending on the coverage plan
10. Premiums for the renewal year are subject to change according to the Company's procedures.
11. The information on this website is only preliminary for sales purposes only. Customers should reading more on coverage, terms,
conditions, exclusions and benefits from the insurance policy.
12. Customers should understand the terms and conditions of policy before deciding to apply for the insurance.
13. CIMB Thai Bank Public Company Limited is non-life insurance broker as product provider which facilitate the policy payment to
Sompo Insurance (Thailand) PCL who is an insurer which responsible for coverage conditions and benefits according to the
conditions that specified in the insurance policy.
14. If there are any issue or question, please contact Sompo Insurance (Thailand) PCL. Customer Relations Center 02-119-3000.
(Monday - Friday time 08:30 - 17:00)
15. Contact : All branches of CIMB Thai Bank Plc., CIMB Thai Care Center 0 2626 7777, CIMB Thai website www.cimbthai.com