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Our Pledge Towards Sustainability


CIMB's Pledge for Sustainability

Aligned to CIMB Group’s sustainability aspirations, CIMB Thai seeks to advance customers and society towards a more sustainable future. In line with this, we have integrated economic, environment and social (EES) considerations into all aspects of our business.


Our strategy emulates the Group’s two-pronged approach. We commit to investing resources and influencing networks to reduce negative EES impacts as well as aspire to create a net positive impact through our business activities.


Sustainability as one of the key elements of our strategic themes to become a purpose-driven organization and is an integral part of our Forward23+ transformation journey.


Our Sustainability Roadmap


As part of our journey to embed sustainability into our core business and operations, CIMB Thai has adopted CIMB Group’s Sustainability Roadmap

More details on CIMB Group’s Sustainability Roadmap can be found in the link below




Sustainability Report


TCFD Report 2023


Sustainability Report 2023  


Sustainability Report 2022  

Thailand Taxonomy


Thailand Taxonomy Phase 1


Thailand Taxonomy Excel Spreadsheet


Thailand Taxonomy Business Guide and FAQs

Human Rights Policy

Sustainable Finance Framework

Our Philosophy


CIMB Thai adheres to CIMB Group ‘s Philosophy where our view of our business goes beyond short-term profits. CIMB Thai continues to be a progressive financial institution, fulfilling not only the expectations of our stakeholders today, but safeguarding the needs of future generations.


Our core business of banking aspires to fulfill the promise of a better future, where economic growth empowers people and businesses, creates new opportunities, and reduces social inequalities. With sustainable banking practices, we operate to achieve growth that is meaningful for everyone who shares this vision.


This also means that we acknowledge the impacts of our business as well as our people on the planet as well as society. Our commitment is to operate in a way where we assume accountability and responsibility towards our actions, while minimizing negative impacts and creating net positive impact. In short, our promise of a better future inspires us to optimize our capabilities, resources, and influence for creating positive economic, environmental and social impact.


Banking for the Future’ is our philosophy for taking a long-term view on business. We want to be on the right side of history by helping to build a sustainable future for our customers and partners in growth, including our employees and communities.  


Our Guiding Principles


CIMB Thai’s approach to sustainability (including risk management) is guided by CIMB Group’s key principles. More details on CIMB Group’s Sustainability Roadmap can be found in the link below



Our Priority UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


CIMB Thai adopts the same UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as CIMB Group as illustrated below. More details on CIMB Group’s Sustainability Roadmap can be found in the link below



UNEP FI Principles for Responsible Banking


In September 2021, CIMB Thai became one of the signatories of the Principles for Responsible Banking organized by the Thai Banking Association and UNEP Finance Initiative.





On 13th Aug 2019, Bank of Thailand (BOT) has requested Thai Banking Association (TBA) to collaborate with banks in Thailand to draft responsible lending guideline and expected banks to sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to incorporate this guideline in banks’ lending activities. CIMB Thai was one of the signatories among all 15 banks.





More details on CIMB Group’s UNEP FI Principles for Responsible Banking can be found in the link below


Collective Commitment to Climate Action


In October 2020, CIMB Group signed the Collective Commitment to Climate Action. Thus, as a part of CIMB Group, CIMB Thai will play our role and actively support the Group in this commitment.


More details on CIMB Group’s Collective Commitment to Climate Action can be found in the link below


Our Scorecard


As part of our efforts to achieve our sustainability aspirations,  CIMB Thai has adopted and developed performance indicators that embeds key ESG measurements in ensuring our business adheres to the Group’s Sustainability Roadmap. The comprehensive scorecard is implemented bank-wide across all departments to ensure collective sustainable action.


Key Performance Highlights


With 2020 being the first year of our 2-year Sustainability Roadmap, it was a year for us to build the right foundation to anchor our five sustainability pillars or focus areas. CIMB's near-term objectives have been to raise awareness, build capability, garner support from our network of stakeholders, and motivate action. In the mid to long-term, our aspiration is to influence, shape and forward the sustainability agenda in the ASEAN region.


Our key performance highlights are summarised based on our five sustainability pillars or focus areas (all data provided as at 31 December 2021). 

Sustainable Action

Sustainable Business

Corporate Social Responsibility

Governance and Risk

Stakeholder Engagement and Advocacy

“CIMB Thai, as a part of CIMB Group, is highly committed to achieving our sustainability aspirations and goals. In line with this, we strive to optimize our stakeholders’ benefits, while taking into account our businesses’ impact towards the environment and society. CIMB Thai will incorporate the principles of sustainable risk management and effective corporate governance consistent with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other international standards as we strive towards building a sustainable future for all.”


Paul Wong Chee Wong

Director/ President and CEO/Acting Head of Wholesale Banking Acting Head of Commercial Banking



For more details and information, please contact  Sustainability Team

on Business day during 8:30 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. 

Email :



CIMB Thai Bank Public Company Limited Headquarter Building

44 Langsuan Road, Lumpini, Patumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand