- Clause 1.The name of the Company "CIMB THAI Bank Public Company Limited" and its English is "CIMB THAI Bank Public Company Limited".
- Clause 2.The Company desires to offer its shares to the public.
- Clause 3. The objectives of the Company consist of 20 clauses as follows:
- To conduct the commercial banking in Thailand and other countries and deal with all matters appertaining and incidental thereto.
- To make loan, overdraft, credit or other means for benefits which are regarded as interest, discount, bank charge or other sell.
- To purchase and sell bills, securities or financial instruments and to deal with exchange, purchase and sale of currencies.
- To issue letters of guarantee or letters of credit, to aval bills or to accept other person's liabilities or debts. The operation of the above-mentioned businesses in (1)-(4) may be with or without the surety of the property pledged or mortgaged to the Company.
- To act as agent for the purchase and sale of Thai government's, state enterprise's and foreign government's bonds, silver and gold bullions, shares, limited company's or public company's debentures both within and outside the country, including all of other financial or commercial securities.
- To accept money on current, fixed deposit, savings or other accounts with or without interest and or accept other securities deposits.
- To arrange loans of every description for the Company's or other person's business.
- To act as consultant, agent or manager to manage interest or property and business of any person.
- To sell and underwrite shares, debentures, bonds, warrants, debt instruments, instruments or evidence of rights or other securities to the public.
- To lease or take ownership of any immovable and movable property for conducting the Company's business or for the welfare of the Company's employees.
- To let any movable or immovable property of the Company or any part thereof.
- To hold shares, invest in limited companies or public companies, to be a limited liabilities partner in limited partnerships, or invest in securities which may increase the Company's benefits.
- To act as agent for other banks in any commercial banking business.
- To establish branch or representative office of the Company in Thailand and other countries.
- To provide welfare for persons being employed in the Company by paying gratuity, pension, provident fund for the usual remuneration.
- To dispose of or sell any property of the Company whenever it is considered to be of benefit to the Company.
- To engage in other kinds of businesses which are traditionally considered appropriate for commercial banks, as well as all other businesses which the Company is permitted to undertake in accordance with the provisions already specified or to be specified in the Commercial Banking Act and Securities and Exchange Act.
- To submit any matter for arbitration, to institute a legal action in Court, to defend any claim, to withdraw any complaint, or make any compromise in any case which the Company may become involved due to its businesses, whether as plaintiff or defendant.
- To conduct the brokerage business relating to life and non-life insurance.
- To operate debt collection business
Registered Capital THB 17,411,130,874.00 (seventeen billion four hundred eleven million one hundred thirty thousand eight hundred and seventy four baht), which comprises:
:34,822,261,748 shares (thirty-four billion eight hundred twenty-two million two hundred sixty-one thousand seven hundred and forty-eight) ordinary shares, with a par value of THB 0.50 (fifty satang)
:No preference shares
Issued and Paid-up Share Capital THB 17,411,130,874.00 (seventeen billion four hundred eleven million one hundred thirty thousand eight hundred and seventy four baht), comprising 34,822,261,748 shares (thirty-four billion eight hundred twenty-two million two hundred sixty-one thousand seven hundred and forty-eight) ordinary shares, with a par value of THB 0.50 (fifty satang)
:No preference shares
- Clause 5.The head office of the Company is located in Bangkok Metropolis.