The company will pay coverage benefits up to specified in the benefit table in each item.
Loss of Life, Dismemberment, Loss of Sight or Total Permanent Disability from General Accident( Aor bor.1)
The company will pay only the highest compensation for single item as follows:
- Loss of Life, 100% of the sum assured
- Total permanent disability, 100% of the sum assured
- Loss of both hands or both feet or both eyes, 100% of the sum assured
- Loss of 1 hand and 1 foot, 100% of the sum assured
- Loss of 1 hand and 1 eye , 100% of the sum assured
- Loss of 1 foot and 1 eye, 100% of the sum assured
- Loss of 1 hand or 1 foot or 1 eye, 60% of the sum assured
(1) Accident while in public transport means land, marine or air vehicle with a licensed driver and operate by legally authorized person to carry out passenger who has paid a fare and operate on a regular schedule route. The accident has to occur while taking on, off or in public transport as a passenger who paying the fare
(2) Public Accident means the Insured is in a public or private building (business hours). Jumping to save their lives in case of fire and while the Insured is an elevator passenger and an accident occurs on a public elevator for carrying people in a public building, excluding elevators used in mines or construction site. Including the insured is a passenger and an accident occurs, trains, sky trains, subways public transport bus bus transport company including public transport vans