- For individual with residence in Thailand
- 1 person per account (including all monthly tax-free accounts)
- The minimum account opening deposit is THB 1,000, and the maximum is THB 25,000
- The opening deposit amount shall be multiples of THB 500 (i.e. THB 1,500 / 2,000 / 2,500). After the account opening, each monthly deposit shall be the same amount as the initial opening deposit.
- The deposit tenure shall be 24 or 36 months
- At maturity, the Bank will automatically transfer the outstanding balance and the total interest from your Phemkha Sabai-Jai account to your linked CIMB savings or current account, under the same account name
- Deposit amounts must be equal each month
- The customer is allowed a maximum of two consecutive months in which a deposit is not made. The maturity date will be extended for each month in which there is no deposit made.
- If the customer fails to make a deposit for more than 2 consecutive months, we will convert the interest rate of this account into a regular daily savings rate, which is applicable for 15% tax withholding.
- If the customer makes an early withdrawal before maturity:
- Within 3 months of account opening: No interest will be paid
- 3 or more months after the account opening: Interest will be paid according to the announced savings rate, which will be calculated for the outstanding balance and the actual deposit period. This interest is applicable for 15% tax withholding.