Features & Benefits

Investment available anytime
Advice available from professionals
Consistent yields
Investment diversification
Array of quality bonds
No transaction fee

Awards and Recognition

ThaiBMA Best Bond Awards 2019

  • Most Active Bank in Corporate Bond Secondary Market

  • Sales Staff of the Year

  • Best Bond Dealer


Asia Local Currency Bond Benchmark Review 2018

  • Top Sellside Firm in the Secondary Market Corporate Bonds Thailand Rank 2

  • Top Sellside Firm in the Secondary Market Government Bonds Thailand Rank 3


The investment in debt securities is not a deposit of money, and generally involves risks. The investment value may increase or decrease from the initial amount invested. Moreover, investors may not receive payment for the sale of securities within the specified period or may not be able to sell as ordered. Investors should trade securities with the party approved by the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Investing in securities in capital markets with high risk or complexity may be different from investing in securities in the capital markets in general.

Contact Us

Visit us at any CIMB THAI branch.